Discovering Sensitive Data Flows in Applications: A Code Scanning Approach

A raft of privacy-protecting regulations across the world, from GDPR in the EU to CCPA in California, oblige organizations in the private and public sectors to take the personal data of customers, employees, students, patients, and citizens seriously. This webinar will discuss how security and privacy teams can leverage a Privacy Code Scanning approach to identify when sensitive data is collected, shared, stored, and even leaked, enabling teams to see the issues within their organization’s infrastructure and address them.

Key Topics for Discussion

  • The shortcomings of the previous manual approach to listing all the privacy data within an organization (resource-intensive, point-in-time view only, etc.).
  • The comprehensive and continuous nature of the Privado approach.
  • The value of the open-source scanner available from Privado and what’s possible with the Enterprise version.
  • What is on Privado’s roadmap in terms of additional functionality.
  • ​​​​​Answers to audience questions during Q&A.  

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