It’s Time Businesses Wake Up to Mobile Security Reality

Today, mobile security is a more than just a reality. It's at the forefront of security concerns for organizations that encourage and support mobile workforces and who do business on the go -anywhere, anytime.

From the increase in Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) to the proliferation of mobile applications such as smartphones, iPads, iPods, tablets and more, IT administrators and business owners need to be especially cognizant of the importance of Mobile Device Management (MDM) as part of their organization's overall security strategy.

This GFI Software white paper examines:
  • The need to manage and secure an array of new endpoints
  • Why Mobile Device Management should be a key priority for IT administrators in every business
  • The percentage of businesses that need to be better prepared to prevent data leakage from mobile devices
Download this white paper to learn more.

This offer is intended for business use only.

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