Shoring Up the Software Supply Chain Across Enterprise Applications

Modern-day software development depends heavily on third-party components, libraries, and frameworks. Many of these components have their own dependencies, and software owners and project developers may not even know all the different pieces of code that make up their application. With attackers increasingly targeting these software building blocks to compromise enterprise applications, managing and protecting the software supply chain is more important than ever. Software developers and owners have to have visibility in their application, identify the vulnerabilities, and address them in a timely manner.

In this report, experts discuss the ever-expanding software attack surface and how to secure the supply chain. 

Download our Tech Insights report to learn:

  • What SBOMs are and why it is important to have them
  • Challenges of “”shifting left””
  • What OpenSSF’s Alpha-Omega project is up to.
  • What supply chain risks look like

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