How to Defend Against Third-Party Ransomware Attacks

Every 11 seconds, a business falls victim to a ransomware attack. A growing number of these attacks originate with third-party vendors, which means that shoring up your internal security is not enough. Even if you put strong security measures in place, your vendors and other partners may not (putting you at risk). ProcessUnity’s new white paper offers best practices that will help you mitigate risk, avoid data breaches, and keep your organization secure from third-party ransomware attacks. In this guide, you will discover:

  • A proven, 7-step process to avoid ransomware attacks when working with vendors, suppliers, and other partners
  • How to build a repeatable and scalable process for onboarding new vendors and assessing their risk
  • Where to find the weak links in your supply chain
  • How to prepare for a breach (taking these steps in advance will save you endless loss and frustrations when you or a vendor experiences an attack)

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