Using real-time wireless network insights and intelligence to drive competitive advantage

RF spectrum monitoring has always been challenging. While operators have always had access to their own network data, it has traditionally been difficult, expensive and resource intensive to collect and analyze data on competitive infrastructure or new network deployments.

What’s needed is a new approach to RF spectrum monitoring that provides competitive intelligence through a continuous, real-time view of the RF spectrum environment. By harnessing the power of a single network of distributed IoT sensors, telecom carriers / mobile network operators can easily access timely, accurate, and secure competitive intelligence data without making significant investments in equipment or conducting expensive drive tests. In this webinar, telecom carriers / mobile network operators / wireless network operators will explore an innovative technique to unlock the value in their RF spectrum assets with continuous, real-time insights on the state of their wireless technologies and their competitors.

Key topics include:

  • Consistent and accessible real-time network intelligence
  • Comparing current vs. historical infrastructure deployments
  • Limitations of traditional methods for spectrum management: drive test and crowdsourcing
  • Spectrum monitoring/management as a service
  • Optimizing and protecting your spectrum assets
  • Using competitive insights to reduce subscriber churn and create new revenue opportunities
  • Improving your spectrum re-farming and technology deployment strategies

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