12 questions to ask IoT and AI solutions providers – an infographic.

With the steady increase in Internet of Things (IoT) & Artificial Intelligence (AI) use cases, coupled with the declining cost of sensors, restaurant operators globally are adopting technology that digitizes restaurant operations, creates greater operational efficiencies and effectuates business decisions based on advanced data analytics.

The vast selection of IoT-based solutions can be confusing for restaurant operators who wish to choose the best fit for their portfolio. Therefore, it is essential that senior leaders carefully evaluate and adopt technologies that deliver excellent business benefits. At the same time, it is also crucial to integrate the analytics outcomes with their mainstream processes and use them to continuously enhance the processes.

Operators need to work with partners to launch solutions and scale them quickly. Here’s an engaging infographic with the 12 questions that operators simply must ask service providers, to identify and evaluate those providers and solutions that can best suit their operations.

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