The 5 Best and Worst Bring-Your-Own-Device Mobile Policies

Panelist Information: Andrew Jaquith, CTO at Perimeter E-Security

Duration: 1 hour 7 minutes

Description: Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) is a phenomenon many companies are wrestling with. It's easy to see why. By 2015, 70% of the Internet-capable devices your employees will buy will be made by consumer behemoths such as Apple and Samsung, and not by traditional IT favorites such as RIM, HP, and Microsoft. Meanwhile, many companies have realized that they can save significantly on their telecom expenses if their employees are footing part (or all) of the monthly bill. For a company with 500 employees, that could add up to $300,000 or more annually.

You've probably seen a lot of fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) articles in the press about the terrors of BYOD. If I had a nickel for every article on the topic, I'd be rich -- but without learning anything more about truly solving the problem.

But BYOD isn't complicated. The trick with managing successful BYOD programs is to set clear ground rules, create sensible security policies, and to devise a strategy for navigating the privacy minefield. In this webinar, they will show you an approach that balances technology, policy and privacy. They will describe five best practices every company should employ, and five common traps to avoid. Finally, they'll give you a sneak preview of solutions they will be bringing to market later this quarter.

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