The State of Automation in Legal: Challenges, Trends & Unlocking Efficiency

Date: Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Time: 2pm ET | 11am PT


Sponsored by: ZERO Systems


Both the business and the practice of law are changing; and technology is improving year over year, becoming more intuitive to use, and more integrated into attorney workflows. Law firms are embracing efficiency, but need new tactics and tools in order to compete in today’s advanced world. 


With more data than ever to review, and less time to do it in, automation can alleviate some of the administrative burden that takes lawyers away from their primary responsibilities. Join this webcast to explore the current state of automation technology and how it can assist with legal challenges. You will learn:

  • How automation can help increase productivity, drive compliance, and increase law firm revenue.
  • How it helps to alleviate the administrative drag resulting from manual processes.
  • Gain in-depth insights gathered from law firms around the world, as it relates to common challenges, legal technology trends, and automation.



Joey Perez | VP Revenue and Partnerships | ZERO Systems

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