Envisioning Service Management and Orchestration for 5G

Communications service providers (CSPs) want to improve flexibility and speed up 5G deployments by adopting multi-vendor RAN architectures with the ability to scale service delivery across a multi-cloud environment.

To get there many CSPs are looking to Open RAN to improve their time to market while reducing costs. In the O-RAN Alliance’s architecture for open radio access networks, the architectural element that ties together the complex layer of platforms and software for deploying and managing decomposed radio access networks is called Service Management and Orchestration, or SMO. It manages the RAN domain.

The shift toward 5G, of course, only heightens this complex combination of old and new solutions at the same time that rolling out and managing 5G solutions requires efficient operations and far-reaching automation across multi-vendor radio access networks and multiple clouds. Automation is seen as the key to minimizing the cost of operating complex networks and systems as they evolve from 4G to 5G.

Monetizing 5G hinges on automation and orchestration.

In this white paper, you will discover:

  • SMO capabilities in O-RAN
  • How to extend SMO to manage domains beyond the RAN
  • Multi-cloud Automation and Orchestration
  • Managing Applications Edge to Core
  • Service Assurance of Advance Networks

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