Coherent Optics: 100G, 400G and Beyond

Coherent pluggable optics are converging at 400Gbps transmission, the data rate that is set to play a dominant role in optical networks over the next decade. For communications service providers (CSPs), higher performance 400G ZR+ pluggable coherent optics hold particular promise for lowering capex and opex, fostering interoperability, and defining new metro/regional network architectures, including IP over DWDM (IPoDWDM).

In this special webinar, Heavy Reading will be joined by leading experts from Ciena, Effect Photonics, Infinera, and Ribbon to unveil key findings from Heavy Reading’s 2022 global coherent optics operator survey analyzing coherent 400G optics and the evolution to both higher data rates (800G+) and lower rates (coherent 100G pluggables).

Topics addressed will include:

  • Operator performance requirements for the next generation of 400G ZR+ pluggables
  • Expectations for openness and interoperability across both hardware and software
  • Addressing challenges in deploying integrated optics on routers (IP over DWDM)
  • Expectations for 800G+ coherent optics – in both pluggable and embedded formats
  • Evolution of pluggable coherent optics at the edge, including emerging 100G pluggables as well as XR optics

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