Meeting The Challenge of Modern Security Threats In The Cloud

Enterprise attack surfaces are expanding, and the complexity of the cloud makes it not only an ideal playground for cybercriminals, but more vulnerable to internal threats, from misconfiguration to theft, damage, and data loss.

That’s why it’s critical that IT leaders prioritize cloud security expertise and capabilities. Unfortunately, traditional security strategies and tools aren’t cutting it anymore – they simply don’t scale and can’t keep pace with either the speed of digital innovation or increasingly sophisticated cyberthreats. IT leaders need to move beyond traditional approaches to security monitoring, detection and response to meet the challenge of an increasingly complex tech stack and modern security threats in the cloud.

Topics Include:

  • What strategies, tools, and polices cybersecurity leaders are turning to keep cloud environments secure
  • Where the real challenges in cloud and control security lie
  • Actionable insights and new approaches to protecting your organization’s data

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