5G for the Internet of Things: Connecting Everything, Everywhere

5G was designed to be a “connectivity fabric” for devices and systems of myriad sizes, complexities, and form factors. The technology can support performance profiles that range from ultra-reliable, low latency communication (URLLC) services to low power, narrowband IoT (NB-IoT), high bandwidth media streaming, high speed mobile connectivity, and more. This makes 5G a critical enabler of advanced IoT applications for enterprises, industries, and consumers.

5G IoT activity, to date, has been primarily focused on requirement gathering, technology development, proofs of concept, and trials. The use of 5G for “beyond smartphone” applications is limited today. However, progress is consistent and encouraging. With advanced new capabilities soon to be commercially introduced following completion of the 3GPP Release 16 standards, the 5G technology ecosystem is on the verge of a great leap forward in its ability to support machine communication systems and IoT services.

This white paper investigates the application of 5G to IoT services.

  • Vision for 5G IoT and discusses how the technology can be applied across diverse industries and application types
  • 3GPP Release 15 and Release 16 standards enable 5G IoT in the near and medium terms
  • Innovations in Release 17—most notably NR-Light (or “RedCap” in 3GPP terminology for “reduced capability” devices)
  • Further ahead into possible options for future massive IoT technologies in later releases.

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