When Do You Really Need the Expense of a Law Firm?

Legal department leaders must work to manage costs while weighing any reduction in spend against its impact on the effective mitigation of enterprise risk. Given recent marketplace and economic volatility, your CFO may be questioning if your organization really needs a law firm. This ebook explores why staffing up or sending out work to law firms is no longer effective for ensuring your legal department remains in lockstep with accelerated enterprise risk. 

Download the ebook and learn about a new model for legal resourcing: the Core-Bench-Firm (CBF) approach, including its benefits and how GCs can begin to integrate this approach into their legal department. Topics discussed include:

  • 4 macro trends impacting legal departments today
  • Deficiencies of the traditional model for legal resourcing
  • 5 steps to build a CBF model
  • Piloting, training & improving the model
  • Case studies of CBF in action

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