Microservices Architecture for Modern Commerce

Amazon has used microservices since 2006, and today the company has thousands of individual microservices that serve as building blocks for hundreds of UIs. Setting up a network of these services allows for agile development, shorter release cycles and faster time-to-market. It’s a blueprint for success your company cannot ignore.

This eBook offers detailed information on how microservices can empower your business’ digital commerce. From providing a seamless shopping experience across channels, to enabling you to introduce new features to the market within days or even hours – author Kelly Goetsch will walk you through every advantage of microservices and what it takes to build a microservices-based eCommerce solution that will boost your digital business.

Key Takeaways

  • Where microservices came from.
  • The guiding technical and non-technical principles behind microservices.
  • About the inner architecture of individual microservices.
  • The outer architecture of how to connect together dozens, hundreds or even thousands of microservices.
  • How to incrementally adopt microservices.

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