Identity Controls & Cloud Scalability: Closing the Gap to Secure Your Cloud

“How to secure the cloud?” is a question that many organizations are struggling with. The mismash of legacy tools and new solutions hasn’t helped either, as more tools does not mean more security. As the tooling and infrastructure grows, it becomes easier for incidents to slip through the cracks. Many organizations struggle to capture a single view of all the identities in their cloud and this directly impacts their ability to scale securely. In fact, as a newly commissioned study1] conducted by Forrester Consulting shows, despite the average organization using more than 6 cloud security tools, close to 96% have faced a security incident in the last 12 months. Further, 80% of decision-makers surveyed note that the increase in cloud migrations is requiring a new set of security solutions with 74% of respondents believing cloud migrations require new IAM solutions.

Join Sandy Bird, CTO & Co founder of Sonrai Security, and Dudi Matot, Security Segment Lead at Amazon Web Services (AWS) as they discuss the findings of this jointly commissioned study. They will also be joined by a special guest speaker from Forrester to drive conversation around:

  • The issues uncontrolled cloud identities are causing & how are organizations addressing this
  • The impact of non-unified cloud security tools on overall security performance
  • What organizations are looking for in CIEM & Cloud Security Solutions to address modern cloud issues

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