State of the Call 2022

Did you know that 94% of consumers think unidentified calls are fraudulent? Or that when your business number is spoofed by a scammer, 1 in 10 consumers subsequently change brands?

Join Alex Algard, CEO of Hiya, to learn the latest insights and trends on the voice channel for Europe, including:

  • The role of voice in the future of work
  • How consumers and businesses are using the phone call to interact
  • Who is targeted and how much is lost to scam calls

These trends and insights were provided through Hiya’s analysis of more than 150 billion calls in 2021 and a third-party survey of more than 12,000 consumers and nearly 2,000 business professionals in the U.S., Canada, UK, Spain, France, and Germany. Carriers, businesses, and technology providers will all benefit from the insights shared during this session.


  • Alex Algard, Chief Executive Officer, Hiya
  • Scott Bicheno, Editorial Director,

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