Mobile-First Fraud Prevention With Fine-Grained Behavioral Data

While it might seem obvious that companies can only thrive in today’s economic climate with an online-first/mobile-first approach to business operations and customer interactions, this trend has an important secondary effect, which continues to invite risks to revenue if not planned for and addressed.

According to a report by Statista analyzing the share of global internet traffic across mobile devices vs. desktops, mobile usage surpassed desktop usage at 51% in the final months of 2019 and had grown to 56% by the end of 2021. And in a 2021 report by Deloitte, the average number of devices per US household has more than doubled from 11 to 25 in just the past two years.

Companies that look to use their risk and fraud mitigation functions as competitive advantages to stem the tides of dollar loss would be wise to challenge their assumptions on what kinds of data and tooling position them to best counter cybercriminals attempting concerted attacks on a victim’s overall device ecosystem rather than singularly targeting one platform or online account.

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