Top 12 Popular Autonomous Driving Datasets That Can Get You Started Immediately

It’s 2021, and we’re already gearing up for the new era of full self-driving cars. As automotive companies are competing to achieve level 5 autonomy for vehicles, high-quality and diverse training datasets have acquired a vital status in the development process. The players who are closer to the finish line are those who’ve broken the garbage-in-garbage-out cycle with training/labeled data because we are all aware that machine learning models are only as good as the data used to create them.

The most efficient method of acquiring good training datasets is to create them. Labeled datasets designed for specific autonomous problems tend to help ML teams achieve better success rates in solving those predefined problems. But we also understand that everyone cannot afford to heavily invest in creating special training datasets. And that’s why we’ve curated a list of the top 12 open datasets that can get you started immediately.

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