Not All Assurances are Created Equal – Assessed Entity and Relying Party Beware!

There is an increasing need for assurances in today’s ecosystem as the number and significance of business and vendor relationships continue to grow coupled with an ever-changing cyber threat landscape. As we look to provide assurances over our security and privacy program posture to our stakeholders and request/require assurances from our business partners, we must use and rely upon appropriate assurance mechanisms.

Join us on a journey of exploring why all assurances are not created equal and what strengths and weaknesses exist relative to the assurance approaches and mechanisms that exist in the market today. We will explore how to determine what assurances need to be provided and obtain those assurances in the most efficient and effective way possible.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand what attributes define a transparent, consistent, and reliable level of assurance and how low, moderate, and high assurance mechanisms can be used
  • Understand the shortcoming relative to authentication, requesting, sharing, and consuming assurances in today’s world
  • Learn about the most common challenges are in standing up and operating a TPRM program today and how to address those challenges in an efficient and effective way

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