Skydio X2D: AI-powered Autonomous Drone for Organic, Unit-level ISR

Skydio X2D pairs breakthrough flight autonomy with a ruggedized, portable airframe to make it the ultimate solution for organic, unit-level ISR missions. Designed and manufactured in the USA, X2D delivers an NDAA compliant solution, selected as a trusted drone platform for the Federal Government as part of DIU’s Blue sUAS Program.

Read the white paper to learn about:

  • The rise and challenges of fixed-wing UAS for military applications
  • Requirements for sUAS to deliver organic, unit-level ISR to ensure mission success
  • How Skydio X2D delivers the simplest and safest flight experience to let the soldier focus  on the mission at hand, instead of the complexity of piloting the drone
  • How Skydio X2D supports a wide range of ISR missions to deliver a tool that it’s a true force multiplier
  • The specific components of the Skydio solution for Defen

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