Petri’s Advanced Microsoft 365 Virtual Conference

Petri’s GET-IT: Advanced Microsoft 365 1-Day virtual conference is a full day of free learning dedicated to deep technical Microsoft 365 content to help you understand the tools available, how to use them, and understanding best practices too. Throughout the day you will hear from Microsoft MVPs and industry experts about how to take advantage of Microsoft 365 at a technical level and dive deep into the features and functionality that will make your environment more secure and compliant.

Sessions include:

  • Blocking threats in Email, Teams, SharePoint and Office
  • Securing Microsoft 365 Delegation with Roles and Admin Units
  • A Review of the Microsoft 365 Compliance Center Features
  • Maximize Microsoft Teams ROI and Productivity
  • Understanding Advanced eDiscovery in Microsoft 365
  • Protecting Data Everywhere with Microsoft Information Protection

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