SASE for Dummies

Enterprise Networks are undergoing a significant transformation. Internet traffic from branch offices has been traditional routed back to a central location where security functions are performed. Today, business critical cloud applications make it impractical to backhaul traffic from branch offices due to cost and performance issues. Enterprises need a full integrated networking and security solution built for the cloud.

In this book, you’ll learn how SASE (Secure Access Secure Edge) addresses modern networking and security challenges.


ISA Cybersecurity is Canada’s leading cybersecurity-focused company, with nearly three decades of experience delivering cybersecurity services and people you can trust. As a Premier Security Partner, ISA Cybersecurity teams up with Cisco to help businesses build integrated and comprehensive cybersecurity programs. Together, we integrate the security products and your entire security infrastructure for a consistent experience that unifies visibility, enables automation, and strengthens your security across your network, endpoints, cloud, and applications.

Our team of cybersecurity experts provide advisory and technical services on complex and evolving issues related to cybersecurity. Contact your ISA Cybersecurity rep today to discuss your IT security challenges and needs.

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