Delivering Reliability, Safety, and Security to Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Vehicles

Today, one of the most exciting opportunities is the application of electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) vehicles to realize advanced air mobility (AAM) in support of dual-use commercial and military missions.

To bring advanced eVTOL technology and innovation to the market faster and to meet AAM challenges, the U.S. Air Force has launched a program known as Agility Prime. It has allowed the U.S. Air Force to open a variety of resources, such as testing sites and expertise, to support the commercial eVTOL industry and bring its players together to enable safety, security standards, and more. Wind River, a software solutions leader in the aerospace and defense market, is committed to helping bring eVTOL to reality with its full portfolio of software products that deliver proven reliability, safety, and security to flight technology.

In this white paper, sponsored by Wind River, you’ll learn about the:

  • Challenges Facing Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing
  • An Intelligent System Platform for eVTOL
  • How Wind River Meets the Challenges

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