New Mid-Market Supply Chain Technologies to Improve Efficiency and Reduce Costs

Business-to-consumer giants, such as Amazon and Zappos, are now delivering goods with unprecedented speed, efficiency and visibility, and their efforts have effectively raised the bar for mid-market companies. Customers accustomed to this level of service have already started holding mid-market businesses to higher standards. At TAKE Supply Chain, we anticipate this to increase as companies of all sizes become more automated and advanced.

There is a very real possibility that your legacy technology is costing more than the value it adds, inhibiting growth or obstructing competitive advantage, so you should consider upgrading your current systems. You will quickly find a market replete with truly revolutionary products that can make an immediate impact on supply chain quality without risking the bottom line.

This eBook will highlight some of the most promising new mid-market supply chain technologies available

  • SaaS/cloud-based solutions,
  • Notification Technology,
  • Advanced Wireless, and
  • Speech Recognition,

and explain how your company can leverage them for supply chain efficiencies right away.

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