Modern Electric Co-Op Solutions for Locate Management

Companies today rely on manual, desktop, and mobile solutions to manage the damage prevention workflow. Utility providers - whether they manage power lines or fiber cables - need real-time data to make decisions on how to best use, protect, and repair underground network facilities 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.

In this paper, Mapcom Systems explores the challenges and opportunities around the common field task of locating. By enabling field crews and dispatchers with the right technology, tools and information, network operators can:

  • eliminate tens of thousands of dollars in variable costs associated with line strikes and truck rolls,
  • offload costly personnel hours associated with the management and dispatch of locators,
  • reduce the risk of missing or inaccurate data, and eliminate key-man risk.

To learn more about this approach for streamlining your damage prevention workflows, download the paper today!

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