Big Data Meets Business: Solving Problems That Matter

Date: June 27, 2012

Time: 10:00 am PT/1:00 pm ET

Now that companies are starting to capture all this data, translating it from the raw data source into information that makes sense to business users is no small task. This webinar will examine this issue and the techniques companies are using to generate meaningful business insights from big data.

Join GigaOM Pro and their sponsor Netezza for “Big Data Meets Business: Solving Problems That Matter” a free analyst roundtable webinar on Wednesday June 27, 2012 at 10 a.m., PST.

What Will Be Discussed:
  • Customer examples of big data analytics
  • What business benefits are customers seeing from big data implementations today
  • What were the challenges and how were they overcome?
  • What are the next steps for the early adopters?

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