How Keeping Lawyers in the Flow Drives Deal Velocity and Pulls Revenue Forward

Business leaders and lawyers know that far too many potential deals slip through into the next reporting period due to the legal bottleneck of contract review. The fundamental checks and cross-checks of every clause against the company playbook takes time and focus.

What if you could remove this bottleneck and accelerate your business’s deal velocity?

By enabling lawyers to operate in a state of “flow”, or complete immersion, they can become 500% more productive. Too often, technology meant to keep lawyers operating in this capacity interrupts or distracts them from it. 

Download this guide and learn how new developments around Microsoft Word integrations can: 

  • Transform your legal team into a business accelerator, instead of a bottleneck.
  • Allow for a review of complex arguments within minutes compared to hours.
  • Keep lawyers in their productive flow by focusing on points of potential risks, instead of reading entire contracts. 

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