Automotive Engineering Change: The Key to Cost Reduction for Competitive Advantage

The automotive industry has seen significant change over the last couple of decades, but looking to the future, there will be even more significant changes. With possibilities for cars that drive themselves and run far more cleanly in the not too distant future, automotive companies will be in a global race to come out on top. Meanwhile, costs must be managed so as not to push car prices to even more unaffordable levels. R&D and engineering are key to making this happen. Adopting Best-in-Class product development practices will help companies improve their efficiency so that they may incorporate more innovation into their vehicles, while still meeting budgets.

One of the areas automotive companies struggle with that will help them improve their efficiency is change management. Based on the experiences of 230 respondents, this report identifies best practices for change management to help automotive companies innovate, yet reduce development costs to bring to market the automobiles of the future.

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Automotive Engineering Change: The Key to Cost Reduction for Competitive Advantage

The automotive industry has seen significant change over the last couple of decades, but looking to the future, there will be even more significant changes. With possibilities for cars that drive themselves and run far more cleanly in the not too distant future, automotive companies will be in a global race to come out on top. Meanwhile, costs must be managed so as not to push car prices to even more unaffordable levels. R&D and engineering are key to making this happen. Adopting Best-in-Class product development practices will help companies improve their efficiency so that they may incorporate more innovation into their vehicles, while still meeting budgets.

One of the areas automotive companies struggle with that will help them improve their efficiency is change management. Based on the experiences of 230 respondents, this report identifies best practices for change management to help automotive companies innovate, yet reduce development costs to bring to market the automobiles of the future.

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