Focusing on What’s Important in HR: Improving Efficiency and Visibility Across the Employee Lifecycle with Automated Workflows

Effective onboarding is an opportunity to get off on the right foot with new employees. At the same time, it is only one process out of many that must be handled by the Human Resources function. Still, there are many issues with employee onboarding, such as compliance and confidentiality, which must be accounted for. As a result, HR managers want to ensure that the onboarding process is satisfying to new employees but is also efficient, compliant and effective for the HR staff.

This report, based on Aberdeen's primary research data, identifies the main issues presented by paper-based processes in Human Resources, and provides strategies for updating processes and technology so HR can focus on more important tasks such as talent acquisition and retention.

Report Highlights:
  • Two of the top five pressures facing HR departments in the onboarding process today concern a need for efficiency.
  • Fifty-seven percent (57%) of HR employees noted that their systems could not track business processes.
  • Best-in-Class organizations are 57% more likely to have the ability to link processes to IT systems.

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