The State of Marketing 2011: Unica’s Annual Survey of Marketers

Last year, Unica's survey revealed the following key concerns among marketers: an overall shift to online marketing, a greater emphasis on website personalization, and a general dissatisfaction with IT support for marketing's technology needs. This year, the survey found continued interest in many of the same issues, plus a more urgent need to turn data into action, increasing recognition of mobile's marketing power, and a desire for more integrated technology solutions.

Their current report is based on a survey of almost 300 online and direct marketers who:
  • Represent a comprehensive mix of companies by location, revenues and industry. All responding companies report more than $100M in annual revenue; the largest block (54%) reports $1B or more per annum.
  • Assume responsibilities across the complete spectrum of marketing roles; over one third (35%) are marketing executives.
  • Play some role in the purchase of technology, whether it's to authorize, recommend, review, or evaluate technology needs and options.
To monitor trends, many of the survey questions have been carried over from last year. But in response to new developments - such as the maturing of social media and mobile marketing, and the increased recognition of the need for interactive marketing - the survey posed nine new questions, opening fresh areas of insight.

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