CFOs Are Using These Tactics to Help Hire and Retain Workers

According to the fourth annual CFO survey from Globalization Partners, 88 percent of CFOs agree the Great Resignation and retaining current employees is a major concern for stakeholders and their organizations. It makes sense, then, that 29 percent are prioritizing hiring new talent to achieve business goals in the next 12-18 months.

With hiring as a major initiative (particularly as 83 percent of CFOs say that long-term growth strategies include expansion in new countries), it also makes sense that 72 percent of CFOs are worried about rising wages. To attract talent in unique ways, CFOs are turning to incentives like:

  • 90 percent of CFOs agree a remote-first work policy increases inclusivity and provides equal access to career opportunities
  • 31 percent of CFOs plan to offer additional learning and development opportunities to employees
  • 30 percent of companies will provide employees with more feedback and recognition

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