KPIs (Key Performance Indicators, Leistungskennzahlen) führen Marketiers zum Erfolg, indem sie diese mit den notwendigen Informationen versorgen, um ihren Marketingaufwand...
Zugegeben: Es ist bei weitem nicht die spannendste Aufgabe, aber wenn Sie Ihr Marketingbudget in- und auswendig kennen, profitiert das gesamte Marketing davon. Aber wie...
Given the persistence of the question “what is the impact of brand on revenue growth,” the data science team at BlueOcean set out to answer this exact question....
This Harvard Business Review Analytic Services White Paper sponsored by SAP, explores the challenges that service leaders are facing today and discovers the critical capabilities...
This Harvard Business Review Analytic Services White Paper sponsored by SAP, explores the challenges that service leaders are facing today and discovers the critical capabilities...
In this report, you’ll discover why organizations that acquire personal data ethically and respectfully and orchestrate data competently and consistently to reliably...